Where it all begun

This shoebox of a café (don’t worry, it smells like freshly roasted coffee here, not socks) is where it all began. Before we spread our caffeinated wings and opened the other two locations, our Mariahilf location was an only (café) child. So it owns a special place in our hearts, and it will no doubt earn one in yours.

Coffee lovers secret

Not long after we opened Mariahilf, it earned a name amongst Vienna’s crazy coffee lovers thanks to the interesting global range of beans it stocks. With time, this fame has only grown. You could compare it to Taylor Swift’s fame. But that may mean you’ve drank too much coffee, and you’re a little too excited.

Cakes and pastries

One day you might find a decadent choc-raspberry cake, the next it could be a zesty lemon-pistachio number. Whatever is awaiting you in our cake cabinet upon your visit, it’ll be the perfect sweet pairing to your coffee.





Made for all

We’ve got vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free dishes that can rival any of the other dishes in our menus. We’ll also automatically ask you when you order – ‘Plant-based milk or cow milk?’

first come, first serve

With so little sitting in our café, reservations are not a thing here. It’s kind of a grab-and-go sort of place. But with the select seating we have inside, and our al fresco garden out the front, we’ll always do our best to accommodate you and your backside.

A kinda' laptop free café

Just a heads-up: with the whole limited seating thing at Mariahilf, we have a policy here where we ask you to limit your laptop time in our café to 30 minutes.